BIOASSIMIL™ is a range of completely natural ingredients (no carrier) rich in Trace elements metabolized by microalgae (cyanobacteria) during our France-based cultivation process. 

BIOASSIMIL™ trace elements undergo scientific studies conducted by our R&D team in partnership with the French National Institute for Health and medical Research (Inserm), the French National Center for Scientific Reserch (CNRS) and the Montpellier University of Science and Medecine.

The cyanobasterium (Arthrospira platensis) is used as a natural vector for the biological transformation of the trace element into an organic form.

In this form, the trace elements contained in BIOASSIMIL™ achieve excellent bioavailability and no longer present toxicity or intolerance problems as seen with the mineral form. This unique form becomes directly usable by the body: we call it Bioassimilable active ingredient . This feature makes BIOASSIMIL™ active ingredient a wide range of health benefits.

Trace elements BIOASSIMIL™  can be easily incorporated into different galenic forms used in human and animal nutraceuticals as well as nutricosmetics, and therefore integrate perfectly into all your projects by offering great flexibility.

Access the product description by clicking on its name : 


Natural boosts collagen and elastin synthesis

BIOASSIMIL-Si is a natural ingredient with two patents (process and therapeutic application). It has undergone numerous scientific studies conducted by Phyco-Biotech in partnership whith the French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS).

With proven safety, BIOASSIMIL-Si is perfectly suitable for sensitive individuals, such as pregnant or breastfeeding women, and children from 6 years of age.

BIOASSIMIL-Si boosts the synthesis of collagen and elastin, two key structural component of bone, cartillage skin, and the cardiovascular ssytem.


  • Bones and Joints
  • Osteoporosis and Arthritis
  • Inflammation
  • Teeth / Implants
  • Skin and dermatology
  • Healing
  • Healthy, beautiful nails and hair
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Prévention of aging
  • Hypertension 


Highly absorbed, natural iron, with no side effect

BIOASSIMIL-Fe contains 5 times more iron than basic Arthrospira platensis. It also solves the major problem of iron supplementation: iron from ferrous salts is unadequately absorbed by the intestine, poorly tolerated and has limited efficacy.  BIOASSIMIL-Fe contains Bioassimilable Iron wich raises ferritin levels whithout any bowel discomfort.

Unlike other forms of iron, BIOASSIMIL-Fe does not need to be stabilized with added vitamin C. 

The excellent bioavailability of BIOASSIMIL-Fe streamlines your formulation process while garanteeing efficacy. 

With proven safety, BIOASSIMIL-Fe is particularly suitable for women’s health (menstrual periods, pregnancy and breastfeeding), together with individuals who practice sports, or follow a vegetarian or vegan diet.


  • Helps reduce iron deficiency
  • Supplements vegetarian/vegan diets
  • Restore vitality
  • Reduce fatigue and exhaustion
  • Maintains cognitive functions
  • Promotes physical and sport recovery
  • Contributes to the red blood cell production
  • Aids energy metabolism 
  • Contributing to “Fetal and infant development”


The natural ally of the body’s immune and antioxidant defenses

Micronutritional synergy : BIOASSIMIL-Se provides selenium-containing phycocyanin. In addition to being a renowned powerfull antioxidant and immunomodulatory active ingredient, the properties of phycocyanin are increased tenfold when metabolizing selenium.

The excellent bioavailability of BIOASSIMIL-Se streamlines your fomulation process, while guaranteeing efficacy.

With the proven safety, BIOASSIMIL-Se is perfectly suitable for sensitive individuals. 

BIOASSIMIL™-Se is particularly indicated for boosting the body’s immune system and antioxidant capacity. 


  • Immune defenses
  • Cholesterol (improves HDL/LDL ratio)
  • Reduction of oxydative stress
  • Skin health
  • Cellular aging
  • Inflammation reduction
  • Thyroid balance
  • Respiratory tract
  • Spermatogenesis
  • Muscle recovery


A natural cofactor of insulin, to control blood glucose levels

BIOASSIMIL™-Cr exclusively contains trivalent chromium which guarantees excellent absorption and intestinal tolerance. Due to its high bioavailability,  BIOASSIMIL™-Cr streamlines your formulation process, while guaranteeing efficacy.

BIOASSIMIL™-Cr is particularly intented for individuals with predibetes, type 2 diabetes or prone to carbohydrate and lipid metabolism desorders. 

Due to its natural composition, BIOASSIMIL™-Cr is compatible with hypoglycemic therapies as a supportive agent.


  • Control of blood glucose levels
  • Insulin secretion
  • Prediabete
  • Type 2 diabete
  • Carbohydrate metabolism
  • Lipid metabolism


The natural active ingredient for the optimal thyroid function

Thanks to its unique composition and controlled production process, BIOASSIMIL™-I provides sodium-free iodine and its perfectly safe.

BIOASSIMIL™-I is aimed at people prone thyroid dysfunction

BIOASSIMIL™-I is also particularly suitable for preignant or breastfeeding women to encure the healthy development of the foetus or infant.

BIOASSIMIL™-I  is the natural iodine solution for people on low-salt diets.


  • Normal thyroid hormone production
  • Normal thyroid function
  • Children’s normal growth
  • Normal brain function
  • Normal energy metabolism
  • Normal functioning of the nervous system