
Phycobiliproteins are natural polymers of proteins found in cyanobacterai, eukaryotic red algae, and cryptophytes where they are accessory pigments of photosynthesis. Within the seaweed, they are grouped into packages of phycobiliproteins organized around architectures called phycobilisomes, the collector complexes of light energy.

We produce four types of phycobiliproteins : APC & APC XL, C-PC, R-PE, B-PE. In order to perfectly meet the needs of our custumers, we offer these phycobiliproteins in a precipitated form and a lyophilized form. The latter has many advantages, such as its ability to be directly soluble in buffer while preserving the spectral properties of the pigments.

Advantages of phycobiliproteins as fluorescent labels
  • Specific absorption coefficient and high-quantum efficiency
  • Significant Stokes offsets
  • 100% water soluble
  • Stable in a large pH range (5 à 8)
  • Coupling with organic compounds such as antibodies and other proteins by conventional chemical procedures, without altering their spectral properties
  • Excitation by conventional lasers such as helium-neon, krypton, or argon



Our APC is a natural polymeric protein isolated from the spirulina sp. cyanobacterium grown in our facilities. Organized within an architecture called phycobilisomes, APC is an accessory pigment of photosynthesis in addition to chlorophyll.


Our APC is a natural polymeric protein isolated from the spirulina sp. cyanobacterium grown in our facilities. Organized within an architecture called phycobilisomes, APC is an accessory pigment of photosynthesis in addition to chlorophyll.


Our R-Phycoerythrin (R-PE) is extracted from red algae.

Available in two forms.

B-Phycoérythrine flacon Fluorescent


Our B-Phycoerythrin (B-PE) is extracted from Porphyridium centrum.

Available in two forms.

C-Phycocyanine Flacon fluorescent


Our Phycocyanin (C-PC) is extracted from spirulina (Arthrospira Platensis) produced by us in France.

Available in two forms.

Our clients
